At St James' our writing, grammar, punctuation and spelling curriculum is based upon the National Curriculum programmes of study and lessons take place every day. We have a book-led curriculum, ensuring that every English unit taught includes a book element to provide purpose and context for writing. We consider the diverse social and cultural background of our school community when selecting the resources that we use and ensure that we reflect and celebrate this. We believe our children need to see themselves in the books they read, and see into the lives of others to help them understand the world - and their place in it. |
2022 Pupil Voice |
We aim for all children at St James’ to develop a love of reading. We have daily opportunities for reading for pleasure and weekly D.E.A.R (Drop Everything and Read) sessions when children and staff stop and choose anything to read. We have book clubs set up across the school where more reluctant readers are matched with more enthusiastic readers to inspire a love of reading, as well as clubs afterschool that work with parents about how best to support their children. Our non-fiction library is a hub of knowledge which children use to access resources related to their interests as well as to support their learning. We teach children reading skills though both grouped and whole class guided reading sessions. A range of high quality books and extracts of texts are selected to ensure children can practise their skill across multiple genres.
Our teaching of writing follows the P.I.C.C. approach. We use quality texts to inspire real writing with a clear purpose. There is a clear sequence that uses reading, writing and spoken language to give children the skills required to become real life writers. Children have a least two opportunities throughout a year to write for the same reason or purpose to demonstrate a progression of their skills. This approach begins in EYFS and continues throughout the school. In KS2, we teach a spelling lesson weekly and ensure that pupils are provided with the opportunity to apply the knowledge of spelling rules into their own writing as well as in their weekly tests.
Our teaching of writing follows the P.I.C.C. approach. We use quality texts to inspire real writing with a clear purpose. There is a clear sequence that uses reading, writing and spoken language to give children the skills required to become real life writers. Children have a least two opportunities throughout a year to write for the same reason or purpose to demonstrate a progression of their skills. This approach begins in EYFS and continues throughout the school. In KS2, we teach a spelling lesson weekly and ensure that pupils are provided with the opportunity to apply the knowledge of spelling rules into their own writing as well as in their weekly tests.
At St James', we follow a book led curriculum. Each unit of work uses a high quality, age appropriate, diverse text in which pupils can see themselves. These texts are carefully selected to engage, inspire and deepen understanding among our pupils. We use a range of text types, including both non-fiction and fiction, which are repeated throughout the year to enable a deeper understanding for our pupils. A unit of writing will typically begin with a Hook session, where excitement for the text is created and children are encouraged to start thinking about the writing process. Children then move on to the Predict phase. Children use their inference skills and existing knowledge to make predictions about the text. The Interrogate phase of our approach focuses on building understanding of the inspiration text, making links between it and the text children are going to write. The Capture phase is designed to help children write effectively, using accompanying texts to support their writing. Children then plan, write and edit their work during the Create stage.
SPaG lessons are both embedded within a writing journey and taught explicitly across all year groups. Our texts and writing topics are reviewed yearly and texts are adapted depending on the relevance and interests of each cohort.
By the end of Year Six, we intend to give all of our children a voice by equipping them with the tools to become writers. They are able to express and communicate themselves effectively for all of their schooling life and beyond. Our children will be able to write clearly and accurately for purpose. They are able to adapt their language and style in and for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. Our pupils will acquire a wide vocabulary and have a strong command of the written word. They will develop a love of writing and reading and be well equipped for the rest of their education. Did you know? |