Personal, Social, Health, Economic and Relationships Education (PSHRE)
Guidance from the Department for Education was updated in September 2020 making the new curriculum for Relationships compulsory. This is now taught in schools all schools in order to meet statutory requirements.
We have introduced Relationships Education at primary in accordance with this guidance, to put in place the building blocks needed for positive and safe relationships of all kinds. This starts with family and friends, how to treat each other with kindness, and recognising the difference between online and offline friendships. This content is covered in our PSHE curriculum.
The subjects are designed to help children from all backgrounds build positive and safe relationships, and to thrive in modern Britain.
When teaching these subjects, the religious background of pupils is taken into account when planning teaching, so that topics are appropriately handled. Schools with a religious character can build on the core required content by reflecting their beliefs in their teaching.
In developing these subjects, the Department for Education has worked with a number of representative bodies and faith organisations, representing all the major faith groups in England.
We consulted with parents before we planned and implemented our PSHRE curriculum. We had a parent’s meeting to discuss what the new changes may look like and to answer questions from parents. We then consulted parent’s views again through an online questionnaire and at the end of the first year of implementation when more of the curriculum had been taught.
At St James we will be adapting and using planning and resources from Manchester Healthy Schools, an NHS led organisation for our PSHE and Relationships Education. An overview of these resources can be downloaded below.
As a school we have decided, as is permitted, not to teach Sex Education further than the existing national curriculum for Science. This is a statutory part of the national curriculum required to be taught in all Primary School and which the children cannot be withdrawn from.
However, we will ensure that by the end of Primary School all children will have the age appropriate knowledge they need to know about their bodies and how to safeguard themselves from harm in today’s society, both physically and mentally.
Children will be taught key facts about puberty and the changing body, including physical and emotional changes. Children will also be taught about menstrual wellbeing including key facts about the menstrual cycle. This will all be taught at an age appropriate time following guidance from Manchester Healthy schools. Some of these lessons may also be supported by a member of our school nursing team.
There is no right to withdraw from Relationships Education at primary school as the Department for Education believe the contents of these subjects – such as family, friendship, safety (including online safety) – are important for all children to be taught.
If anyone would like further information about PSHE and Relationship Education please send an email to Miss Westhead/ Mrs Gore via the school office and we will get back to you.
Please also find a link here to the "Primary Parent’s Guide to Relationships and Health Education" developed by the Department for Education-
We have introduced Relationships Education at primary in accordance with this guidance, to put in place the building blocks needed for positive and safe relationships of all kinds. This starts with family and friends, how to treat each other with kindness, and recognising the difference between online and offline friendships. This content is covered in our PSHE curriculum.
The subjects are designed to help children from all backgrounds build positive and safe relationships, and to thrive in modern Britain.
When teaching these subjects, the religious background of pupils is taken into account when planning teaching, so that topics are appropriately handled. Schools with a religious character can build on the core required content by reflecting their beliefs in their teaching.
In developing these subjects, the Department for Education has worked with a number of representative bodies and faith organisations, representing all the major faith groups in England.
We consulted with parents before we planned and implemented our PSHRE curriculum. We had a parent’s meeting to discuss what the new changes may look like and to answer questions from parents. We then consulted parent’s views again through an online questionnaire and at the end of the first year of implementation when more of the curriculum had been taught.
At St James we will be adapting and using planning and resources from Manchester Healthy Schools, an NHS led organisation for our PSHE and Relationships Education. An overview of these resources can be downloaded below.
As a school we have decided, as is permitted, not to teach Sex Education further than the existing national curriculum for Science. This is a statutory part of the national curriculum required to be taught in all Primary School and which the children cannot be withdrawn from.
However, we will ensure that by the end of Primary School all children will have the age appropriate knowledge they need to know about their bodies and how to safeguard themselves from harm in today’s society, both physically and mentally.
Children will be taught key facts about puberty and the changing body, including physical and emotional changes. Children will also be taught about menstrual wellbeing including key facts about the menstrual cycle. This will all be taught at an age appropriate time following guidance from Manchester Healthy schools. Some of these lessons may also be supported by a member of our school nursing team.
There is no right to withdraw from Relationships Education at primary school as the Department for Education believe the contents of these subjects – such as family, friendship, safety (including online safety) – are important for all children to be taught.
If anyone would like further information about PSHE and Relationship Education please send an email to Miss Westhead/ Mrs Gore via the school office and we will get back to you.
Please also find a link here to the "Primary Parent’s Guide to Relationships and Health Education" developed by the Department for Education-
Curriculum Overview Primary matter PSHE Curriculum - amended for St James.pdf |
St James C of E PSHE Policy - Jan 2022.pdf |
St James C of E Relationships Education Policy - Mar 2021.pdf |