Proposal to Federate
We are excited to say that, following almost 18 months of successfully working together, the Governing Bodies of St James’ C of E and St Philip’s C of E Primary Schools are proposing to formalise our current working relationship in the form of a new Federation.
The proposed name for this new Federation will be:
The Community of Saints Church of England Federation
The full detail of the federation proposal can be found below.
A 6-week consultation window in which parents are welcomed to share their thoughts on the proposal will run from Monday the 10th of October to Monday the 21st of November. All of the details can be found in the proposal itself.
Once the consultation window closes, both Governing Bodies will meet again to consider the feedback received and will make a final decision as to whether to proceed or not. This meeting will take place on the 23rd of November.
The proposed name for this new Federation will be:
The Community of Saints Church of England Federation
The full detail of the federation proposal can be found below.
A 6-week consultation window in which parents are welcomed to share their thoughts on the proposal will run from Monday the 10th of October to Monday the 21st of November. All of the details can be found in the proposal itself.
Once the consultation window closes, both Governing Bodies will meet again to consider the feedback received and will make a final decision as to whether to proceed or not. This meeting will take place on the 23rd of November.

St James and St Philips Federation Proposal - Sep 2022 - final.pdf |